Latest Update on CN Rail Network Recovery

  • Latest Update on CN Rail Network Recovery

    The CN Rail network recovery process is under and there has been some notable progress.

    Trains that were previously parked in northern Ontario began moving onto their destination in Montreal last night, albeit at a slower pace than normal.  CN has yet to provide their ETA in Montreal. OEC is monitoring these trains on a regular basis and our Track & Trace system will be updated to reflect the latest status.

    CN continues to funnel some trains via Northern Quebec (Rouyn Noranda). This route is longer and train speeds must be reduced while travelling on these tracks. Even with these constraints, CN is doing their utmost to transfer cargo to Montreal as quickly as possible.

    Vancouver terminals started loading Montreal trains yesterday, which is great news.

    Prince Rupert continues to load trains to Toronto without issues, however they have not confirmed when the next train to Montreal will depart.  At this time, the earliest departure remains this weekend.

    There continues to be retaliatory blockades popping up across Canada. Currently, these blockades are only affecting commuter trains. OEC will advise you should there be any changes and we will continue to follow up with CN Rail and port operators, to ensure you have up to date information.

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